Verwenden Dr. Schoppmann, Dr. Riegler und Dr. Prusa alle den Da Vinci Roboter?
Hallo Pfälzer
Wie lange hat es gedauert, bis der Bruch nach der Operation wieder aufgetreten ist? Und haben Sie gespürt, als es passiert ist?
@BCY Do you know the name of the surgeon who did the surgery with absorbable mesh?
@Marco-1196 How are you doing now after having the mesh removed?
Maybe admin can add a bitcoin wallet for donations?
Sad that it is all lost :( I heard that there was a lot of good posts from people who had surgery many years ago.
Where can I donate? Do you accept bitcoin?
Also, is it possible to download a copy of all the old forum posts? Or are they lost forever?
Not any restoration of His angle (stitching esophagus to stomach) or fundopexy (stitching stomach to diaphragm) as he usuallty does?
And how big was your hernia estimated to be during tests before surgery?
How did it break? Did you do a certain movement or what happened?
How large was your hernia before surgery?
And do I understand it correctly, that you lifted 100kg in strength training after surgery?
How large was your hernia before the surgery? And what symptoms did you have?
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